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Recently Published Reproducible Preprints 12


Integrating Structural, Functional, and Biochemical Brain Imaging Data with MRShiny Brain - An Interactive Web Application


Jessica Archibald, Alexander Mark Weber, Paulina S. Scheuren, Oscar Ortiz, Cassandra Choles, Jaimie J. Lee, Niklaus Zölch, Erin L. MacMillan, John L.k Kramer

LIVING PREPRINT Magnetic Resonance in Medicine

Analysis code for the paper "RF shimming in the cervical spinal cord at 7T"

Jupyter Notebook

Daniel Papp, Kyle M. Gilbert, Gaspard Cereza, Alexandre D’Astous, Nibardo Lopez-Rios, Mathieu Boudreau, Marcus Couch, Pedram Yazdanbakhsh, Robert L. Barry, Eva Alonso Ortiz, Julien Cohen-Adad

LIVING PREPRINT Magnetic Resonance in Medicine

Paper is not enough: Crowdsourcing the T1 mapping common ground via the ISMRM reproducibility challenge

Jupyter Notebook

Mathieu Boudreau, Agah Karakuzu, Julien Cohen-Adad, Ecem Bozkurt, Madeline Carr, Marco Castellaro, Luis Concha, Mariya Doneva, Seraina A. Dual, Alex Ensworth, Alexandru Foias, Véronique Fortier, Refaat E. Gabr, Guillaume Gilbert, Carri K. Glide-Hurst, Matthew Grech-Sollars, Siyuan Hu, Oscar Jalnefjord, Jorge Jovicich, Kübra Keskin, Peter Koken, Anastasia Kolokotronis, Simran Kukran, Nam. G. Lee, Ives R. Levesque, Bochao Li, Dan Ma, Burkhard Mädler, Nyasha Maforo, Jamie Near, Erick Pasaye, Alonso Ramirez-Manzanares, Ben Statton, Christian Stehning, Stefano Tambalo, Ye Tian, Chenyang Wang, Kilian Weis, Niloufar Zakariaei, Shuo Zhang, Ziwei Zhao, Nikola Stikov

LIVING PREPRINT Elsevier Book Chapter

Quantitative T1 MRI

Jupyter Notebook

Mathieu Boudreau, Kathryn E. Keenan, Nikola Stikov


Longitudinal stability of brain and spinal cord quantitative MRI measures

Jupyter Notebook

Mathieu Boudreau, Agah Karakuzu, Arnaud Boré, Basile Pinsard, Kiril Zelenkovski, Eva Alonso-Ortiz, Julie Boyle, Pierre Bellec, Julien Cohen-Adad

LIVING PREPRINT Imaging Neuroscience

A database of the healthy human spinal cord morphometry in the PAM50 template space

Jupyter Notebook

Jan Valošek, Sandrine Bédard, Miloš Keřkovský, Tomáš Rohan, Julien Cohen-Adad

LIVING PREPRINT Magnetic Resonance in Medicine

Results of the ISMRM 2020 joint Reproducible Research & Quantitative MR study groups reproducibility challenge on phantom and human brain T1 mapping

Jupyter Notebook

Mathieu Boudreau, Agah Karakuzu, Julien Cohen-Adad, Ecem Bozkurt, Madeline Carr, Marco Castellaro, Luis Concha, Mariya Doneva, Seraina Dual, Alex Ensworth, Alexandru Foias, Véronique Fortier, Refaat E. Gabr, Guillaume Gilbert, Carri K. Glide-Hurst, Matthew Grech-Sollars, Siyuan Hu, Oscar Jalnefjord, Jorge Jovicich, Kübra Keskin, Peter Koken, Anastasia Kolokotronis, Simran Kukran, Nam. G. Lee, Ives R. Levesque, Bochao Li, Dan Ma, Burkhard Mädler, Nyasha Maforo, Jamie Near, Erick Pasaye, Alonso Ramirez-Manzanares, Ben Statton, Christian Stehning, Stefano Tambalo, Ye Tian, Chenyang Wang, Kilian Weis, Niloufar Zakariaei, Shuo Zhang, Ziwei Zhao, Nikola Stikov

LIVING PREPRINT PLOS Computational Biology

A reproducible benchmark of resting-state fMRI denoising strategies using fMRIPrep and Nilearn

Jupyter Notebook Python

Hao-Ting Wang, Steven L. Meisler, Hanad Sharmarke, Natasha Clarke, François Paugam, Nicolas Gensollen, Christopher J. Markiewicz, Bertrand Thirion, Pierre Bellec

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