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Mathieu Boudreau (0000-0002-7726-4456), Agah Karakuzu (0000-0001-7283-271X), Julien Cohen-Adad (0000-0003-3662-9532), Ecem Bozkurt, Madeline Carr (0000-0002-4915-5076), Marco Castellaro (0000-0002-1203-2670), Luis Concha (0000-0002-7842-3869), Mariya Doneva, Seraina A. Dual (0000-0001-6867-8270), Alex Ensworth, Alexandru Foias, Véronique Fortier (0000-0003-1859-003X), Refaat E. Gabr (0000-0002-8802-3201), Guillaume Gilbert, Carri K. Glide-Hurst (0000-0001-7989-4382), Matthew Grech-Sollars (0000-0003-3881-4870), Siyuan Hu, Oscar Jalnefjord (0000-0003-2741-5890), Jorge Jovicich (0000-0001-9504-7503), Kübra Keskin (0000-0003-4571-2813), Peter Koken, Anastasia Kolokotronis, Simran Kukran, Nam. G. Lee (0000-0001-5462-1492), Ives R. Levesque (0000-0002-0546-1733), Bochao Li (0000-0002-5267-9129), Dan Ma (0000-0003-1664-9579), Burkhard Mädler (0000-0002-1465-2961), Nyasha Maforo (0000-0002-5741-7021), Jamie Near, Erick Pasaye (0000-0002-0637-0833), Alonso Ramirez-Manzanares (0000-0001-6645-9162), Ben Statton (0000-0001-5118-7977), Christian Stehning (0000-0002-0660-840X), Stefano Tambalo (0000-0003-2562-1324), Ye Tian (0000-0002-8559-4404), Chenyang Wang (0000-0001-6798-0857), Kilian Weis, Niloufar Zakariaei, Shuo Zhang (0000-0002-1057-7255), Ziwei Zhao (0000-0003-0281-1141), Nikola Stikov (0000-0002-8480-5230)
Boudreau et al., (2024). Paper is not enough: Crowdsourcing the T1 mapping common ground via the ISMRM reproducibility challenge. NeuroLibre Reproducible Preprints, 23,
quantitative MRI T1 mapping inversion recovery reproducibility open data
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